Het European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) organiseert twee keer per jaar een workshop over wetenschappelijk onderzoek in de huisartspraktijk

Beste collega’s,

Het European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) organiseert twee keer per jaar een workshop over wetenschappelijk onderzoek in de huisartspraktijk. Dit jaar valt de eer aan België te beurt.

De meeting heeft als thema

Research on integrated community care:

Focus on GP, patients and population

en gaat door in Antwerpen, UA Hof Van Liere (stadscampus) Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen van 20-22 oktober 2022.

Dit is een goed forum voor artsen en verpleegkundigen die in onderzoek geïnteresseerd zijn om buitenlandse collega’s te ontmoeten. Er zijn ook meerdere presentaties uit België.

Voor verdere informatie verwijs ik jullie naar https://meeting.egprn.org

In de marge van de EGPRN workshop te Antwerpen organiseert de UA, centrum huisartsgeneeskunde een aantal pre-conference workshops. Er zijn vier workshops, die zeker interessant kunnen zijn voor jullie. Inschrijven voor deze pre-conference workshops kan apart gebeuren. Het aantal plaatsen hiervoor is beperkt.

Hievoor meldt u zich aan bij Mevr. Cil Leytens cil.leytens@uantwerpen.be

Prijs:  50 € per workshop  (voor studenten 35 €)

Locatie: UA Stadscampus, Hof Van Liere, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen

Pre-conference workshops: EGPRN-meeting Antwerp

1. Workshop on developing Participatory Action Research

Thursday 20th October 2022            10 u – 12 u 30

Prof. Dr. Hilde Bastiaens (UAntwerp), Dr. Annelies Colliers PhD (Uantwerp)

The participatory action research (PAR) approach has three essential features: participation, action and research. It’s being increasingly used in health care research to enhance the successful implementation of scientific evidence into daily practice. It has the goal to lead to bottom-up democratic action, and contributes simultaneously to positive change in practice, social knowledge and research. PAR aims to investigate ‘real life problems’ and create solutions for these challenges through an action-oriented focus together with the local stakeholders as co-researchers. It allows participants to be in control of the process and to develop an understanding of the problem, and to determine possible solutions together with researchers.

In this workshop we will share the basic features and theory of PAR, we will share lessons and experiences from our own PAR projects, and we will work interactively on how to apply PAR in your own research projects.

2. Writing for Publication – Meet the Editors for Tips and Tricks!

Thursday, 20th October, 10:00 – 12:30

If you are interested in “writing for publication”, you are invited to join their workshop.

Background: Peer reviewed medical journals are important media for the publication of articles relevant to Primary Health Care and General Practice/Family Medicine, such as research papers, reviews of literature, clinical lessons, and opinion papers. They are the means to disseminate original research results and educational information, discuss available evidence and share experiences. However, many colleagues find writing and submitting a scientific paper a challenge.

Aim & Audience: In this workshop, we aim at providing participants with information about preparing manuscripts for medical journals. Our intended audience are authors interested in research or medical writing, who have little or no previous experience in publishing.

Methods: The workshop has the format of a highly interactive session. It focuses on the preparation and submission of research papers. Topics discussed are the basic structure, language and presentation of research papers, as well as common errors and how to prevent them. We also discuss how you could write an appropriate Cover Letter. In addition, the peer review process is discussed.

Outcome: Participants will have expanded their knowledge and will have received practical advice (“tips & tricks”) on how to prepare a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

3. How to start a research project on interprofessional collaboration?

Thursday 20th October 2022             14 u – 16 u 30

Prof. Dr. Paul Van Royen (Uantwerp), Prof. Dr. Peter Pype (Ughent) and Dr. Giannoula Tsadikzitis

To deal with complex health care demands, interprofessional collaboration (IPC) has become a major issue within health care reforms, especially also within primary care. These reforms should be based on the value and effectiveness of these IPC approaches to be able to work in a patient-oriented way. However, research in the area of IPC is complicated because of different items:  varied terms used, overlap with other fields of research, need for innovative research designs, different perspectives and paradigms, interactive working within complex real-life environments and contexts. 

In this workshop, after a brief presentation about basic concepts of IPC and the complex area of research on IPC, we will work in small groups.  Starting from your own research questions/projects on IPC, a plan for performing this research, including appropriate designs and outcome measures, will be developed.  

4. Population oriented research: how to overcome difficulties?

Thursday 20th October 2022             14 u – 16 u 30

Prof. Dr. Hilde Philips (UAntwerp), Prof. Bert Vaes (KUL)

In this workshop we point out the needs, researchers define in order to strive towards a strong evidence base for population-oriented care.

Which tools and information are needed, what is the new expertise to get on board to withstand the future challenges of population-wide strategies to improve health?’